I'm having a hard time understanding that they're creating a film version of the '80's television hit, 21 Jump Street, , and it's just now that I'm hearing about it, AND that they were able to get Channing Tatum to play the coveted role of Officer Tom Hanson, the role that catapulted Johnny Depp into the stratosphere. Will it have the same effect for Channing Tatum's career? Because seriously, his role as Tyler Gage in the original Step Up is what made him a household name to ladies in the age range of 17-34. I just really REALLY want him to be able to pull this off--millions of 30-40 something year old women will kill the creators of this film if it goes under. And to be honest, I'm not so sure about Jonah Hill as Doug Penhall. Peter DeLuise looked like a big guy. Probably did football in high school, heavyweight wrestler and all that. I mean, can you see Tatum and Hill as the McQuaid Brothers?? And they CANNOT have a 21 Jump Street film without mentioning the infamous fictitional brothers. It just doesn't work that way. I will have to wait and see how it works. I've been wrong before, so I'm hoping I'm wrong now.
So here's to keeping your fingers crossed to the casting. I don't think they got anyone to play Judy Hoffs yet, or even Ioki. But Ice Cube as Fuller? That I can get on board with.
But I would also like to give a final mention on casting, so back to Channing Tatum. Boy, when you think about it, has he come a long way from being in a supporting role in Coach Carter. He's really flourished as an actor, and I have to give him incredible props for his role in Stop-Loss. I admire an actor who works on getting better, and doesn't just expect the world to give him everything on a silver platter, like some actors and actresses today. And not because he's insanely easy on the eyes. There are gorgeous actors out there who are positively terrible at acting, and yet only get hired because they're pretty faces. Channing Tatum IS a pretty face, but he's really stretching his resume to the limit with roles in films like Dear John, Fighting, GI Joe, The Dilemma, his brilliantness in A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints (I mean, I watched that movie for Robert Downey Jr. and was incredibly pleasantly surprised at the acting he delivered), and The Eagle. Such incredibly diverse roles, but he's rolling the dice and coming up 7's. Kudos on the insanely vast improvement, Mr. Tatum.

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