Monday, May 2, 2011

Is There Any Prouder Day to Be An American????

I cannot believe this: Osama Bin Laden is dead. It's a bit bittersweet. I wanted the US Justice System to work in our favor, I wanted to make sure he fried on the electric chair, and I know there's some states that actually still do a firing round. But what's done is done, and it's confirmed that his death came at the hand of gunfight by the CIA and Navy SEALS (I knew I always loved that branch of the Special Elite forces). I'm just thunderstruck and awed. I very much enjoyed the fact that people at Ground Zero and all over the US were gathering together, Americans and non-Americans alike, to celebrate this momentous occasion. Though it was a life, this life was riddled with absolute and complete impure evil, corruption, vileness and anything else disgusting and just plain wrong this world can pile on, 1 life isn't worth 3000 lives. I kind of wanted him captured alive so we can see who he was. I wanted him to see the families he destroyed, the lives he took, the people he assumed responsibility ....I wanted him to see it all.

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