Well! This is really a lot of information for you to process, so please keep up!
Starting off, I just would like to ask if that's really Hugo Weaving under the Red Skull makeup for Captain America, cause if it is, I'm beginning to think that Mr. Anderson's got a thing for masks....V for Vendetta, anyone? But still, it looks pretty interesting. And wicked awesome. Thank you, Entertainment Weekly!
Starting off, I just would like to ask if that's really Hugo Weaving under the Red Skull makeup for Captain America, cause if it is, I'm beginning to think that Mr. Anderson's got a thing for masks....V for Vendetta, anyone? But still, it looks pretty interesting. And wicked awesome. Thank you, Entertainment Weekly!
Next, I have Spider Man!! Andrew Garfield is under that mask, ladies and Gentlemen. But I don't know--I kind of miss the Tobey Maguire costume, I thought that it was a great design.

Next!!! James Franco is set to play the Great and Powerful Oz in....well, Oz, The Great and Powerful. It predates the story of The Wizard of Oz with Judy Garland, and focuses on the story of the witches. I don't know if it'll be a Wicked-like production. I have a feeling it's going to be darker, which to me is better. Mila Kunis has already signed up to play Theodora, the wicked witch of the west.....sounds good to me!
Next!!!!!! Joe Wright seems to be on a roll! Hanna, his teenage assassin film is almost complete, so he's moving on to the next field, which is Anna Karenina, written by Leo Tolstoy. I'm not gonna lie. I couldn't finish it. I just thought it was way too depressing. 1800's Russia just really isn't my taste, and I avoided Dr. Zhivago for the longest time for that reason. Any story about Russia just isn' t my taste. I get chills just thinking about the country, it's so COLD!!! Eh. Not my thing. But directed by Wright? I might just make an exception. Atonement was FANTASTIC.
More!!!!!!!!!! Diane Lane will be Henry Cavill's mother?????!?!?!? NO!!!!!!! Diane Lane's still wayyyy too young to be portraying a mother of a mid to late 20's man. She's gorgeous. I can't see it. It's gotta be done very well, or else I'm going to hate Zack Snyder forever.
When will it end?!?!?!!? From the rumors that I'm hearing, Charlie Sheen will make a cameo appearance in the new Hangover film. If that's the case, then is director Todd Phillips in his right mind?!?!?! Ew.....I cannot stand that man. He needs to grow up, get over himself, realize he's a father and pushing fifty and he's not Hugh Hefner to have a whole bunch of cute little girlfriends around. ONLY Hef can pull that off. He's just pathetic. I'll probably boycott the movie if that's the case. Probably.
SOOOOOOOO.......Anne Hathaway will be Catwoman in the movie The Dark Knight Rises. That we already know, but we don't know if she's going to go all Michelle Pfeifer on us and go crazy, or start out good or go bad. But from my sources, it seems that that's the way it goes--they partner up to take out uthe League of Shadows....Yes, yes. Liam Neeson did die in that *********....I may hate surprises, but that doesn't mean you don't. So if you haven't seen Batman Begins, then I won't tell youhow he dies. But going back, they partner up to defeat the League of Shadows, headed by Talia Al’Ghul. With Bane, who is her muscle/possible love interest. Let's not forget, Joseph Gordon-Levitt's in this movie. He already proved himself a worthy villain in last year's GI Joe. I don't know much about his character, but I do know that Levitt is "certainly an antagonist and involved with the League of Shadows." Direct quote.
SOOOOOOOO.......Anne Hathaway will be Catwoman in the movie The Dark Knight Rises. That we already know, but we don't know if she's going to go all Michelle Pfeifer on us and go crazy, or start out good or go bad. But from my sources, it seems that that's the way it goes--they partner up to take out uthe League of Shadows....Yes, yes. Liam Neeson did die in that *********....I may hate surprises, but that doesn't mean you don't. So if you haven't seen Batman Begins, then I won't tell youhow he dies. But going back, they partner up to defeat the League of Shadows, headed by Talia Al’Ghul. With Bane, who is her muscle/possible love interest. Let's not forget, Joseph Gordon-Levitt's in this movie. He already proved himself a worthy villain in last year's GI Joe. I don't know much about his character, but I do know that Levitt is "certainly an antagonist and involved with the League of Shadows." Direct quote.
AAAANNNNDDDDDD last but certainly not least, Blade Runner sequels and prequels are in the works. That gives me the good kind of tinglies. Apparently the production company has the right to do what it wants with the film, except do a remake. Which is good. Runner's a bonafide classic that never EVER needs to be remade EVER. EVER.
And that's a wrap, ladies and gentlemen!!! Thank you for reading!!!!
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