It's a lock! Joseph Gordon Levitt will be in the new Chris Nolan Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises. I am truly stoked, because no one will know what role he will play!! Nolan plans to keep this under wrap as long as possible, which will work for us, because as I'm sometimes willing to admit, surprises are good!
NO!!!! Darren Aronofsky, whose twisted and sick-awesome mind brought us the Academy lauded Black Swan, has pulled out of the film, The Wolverine due to scheduling conflicts. That makes me SO SAD!!!! Whomever they pick now to replace him will only be second best.
Meh....they're doing a sequel to Bad Santa, which really doesn't excite me because I always though Billy Bob Thornton was a little weird. The only film I do like him in is one of my favorite films, Love Actually, where he plays the President of the United States, and of course his character's a jerk. Befitting. He actually gets a verbal bum-kicking from one of the heroes of the film, Hugh Grant, in his successful attempt to regain the hearts of women all over the world with this film...as he did mine. But Thornton's stint as Angelina's husband didn't really help his cause on the weirdness chart.....it actually went through the roof, to be honest. But nothing comes as close to him penning a song for her that goes, "Oh Angelina, what's come between us?" It was this song.

You know, to be honest, I'm not that really excited for Thor. Sure, it's going to be a great summer blockbuster, but I'm really going to go see it for Natalie Portman. And Sir Anthony Hopkins. But that's really it. I'm not even that interested in seeing Chris Hemsworth.....I think something may be wrong with me.
If you're not a man excited for this movie just by seeing this movie poster, I think something may be psychologically wrong with you.
So previously I had stated that Diane Lane will be playing Henry Cavill's mother Martha Kent in the upcoming Zack Snyder-directed Superman. Well, I bring you Jonathan Kent, ladies and gentlemen: Kevin Costner. Me like.
So Matthew Fox is going to be in a film. WHO CARES WHICH ONE???????? DR. JACK SHEPARD IS BACK, LADIES!!!!!!! But seriously. He's going to be assassin Alex Cross in a film based on the James Patterson books. Again, WHO CARES WHICH ONE????? I WILL STAND IN LINE TO SEE DR. SHEPARD!!!!
Liam Neeson is just awesome. Taken's getting a sequel!!! Filming's probably going to begin later this year or very early next year. I wonder who's going to be taken next, since his daughter Maggie Grace can't be stupid enough to fall for the same line twice. But hey, I never really put anything past Maggie Grace. There's just something about her I really REALLY don't like. Maybe it's because she sold out Boone. Who knows.
American Pie's main cast are a lock for a reunion, aptly entitled American Reunion. How much more can they beat a dead horse with this stick??????
And last but not least (well, it's last for this post anyway) my sources tell me that they're rebooting Daredevil. Which is exciting for me because I love Ben Affleck. What gets my undies in a knot is that they're thinking of not even bringing him back. Can I just say that the person making that decision is directing one of the Twilight Saga films? David Slade, as soon as you took the position of directing one of the films, 30 Days of Night just went down a few numbers on the awesomeness chart. I mean, come on! You brought us the mind-messing thriller Hard Candy!!!!!!! Give us a break and do good with this film! Offer Affleck the role. If he says no, then by all means, do what you want with it!!
And that's that, folks!
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