Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Cleopatra: Liz's Eyes, Angelina's Lips....

From what I hear, though, the film's producer, Scott Rudin, wants to focus less on the love affair between Cleo and Marc, still uncasted, and really portray her as the business and politically-savvy Queen of Egypt. Which I think will go well--Angelina's too much of her own woman to be a romantic character. You never see her in these films where she falls in love, then gets into all kinds of shenanigans during the film and gets married to her Charming in the end. She's not that kind of woman.
She is, however, the leading woman in Alexander, Salt, Changeling, Beowulf, Wanted, A Mighty Heart, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow--every single one of these films, and all of her other not-above mentioned films has she ever played a damsel in distress, and I think I have to respect that of her. She's her own woman. She is on scene as a powerful woman who doesn't really need a man, but has one anyway because she just so happens to enjoy the company. Even in Mr. and Mrs. Smith, she kicked serious butt, and not because she had to, but because it was who she was.
But back to the question at hand, and even People Magazine have actually mentioned it first: who will be her Marc? I mean, the focus will be on her awesomeness power to rule, right? Well, Marc Antony can't be wimpy either, or else the whole film loses momentum and we're back to Alexander, where we couldn't help but wonder if Alexander the Great really was a mama's boy (though I really don't think Colin Farrell's performance was horrendous. I give him major props for battling this strenuous role head on). They're considering Brad Pitt, which I really wouldn't mind--chemistry will be sizzling between the two. Daniel Craig would just make me melt--I do love that man. The two people I really don't see, and I hope people would agree with me, would be George Clooney, since he doesn't do period pieces well, and Colin Firth, who I just can't see it. I'm not denying Colin's incredible acting chops. He's got them to spare and feed an entire small 3rd world country. What I'm saying is if Angelina's who they picked to be Cleo, then whoever they pick for Marc's gotta have action film experience, and Colin just doesn't have it. So basically it's someone who's good at period pieces like Colin, and someone who's good at action films like George. And good looking like both. Hm.....any thoughts on who should it be?
Monday, March 28, 2011
Beautiful Boy
I love Maria Bello. I do. She happens to be one of my favorite actresses, ever since Coyote Ugly. She's also done everything and been everywhere, and one of my favorite films of hers is A History of Violence. She was just fantastic, as well as The Cooler with William H. Macy. Also brilliant.
Now, in this movie, I get to love them together. A story about what happens to the family after their only son is the gunman in a shootout at his college, how his repercussions fall upon them and how they cope and deal with the fact that they're either incredibly hated, incredibly pitied, and just thrust into a negative windstorm. How do they rebuild and move on from such a tragedy? Director Shawn Ku really has the actors open up to us as if they really were the ones to lose a child in such an atrocious way. It's hard not to cry with Bello, it's hard not to feel the pain Sheen feels. Congratulations to both for participating in an incredible Indie film.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
This Just In.....Amy Adams is Lois Lane!

Saturday, March 26, 2011
The Three Musketeers....and Alice.
Let me be the first to say, I have a feeling this movie's going to suck. Although Milla Jovovich will be playing Lady DeWinter, the role previously played by Rebecca DeMornay in the Disney version with Chris O'Donnell, Charlie Sheen, Oliver Platt and Keifer Sutherland, she seems to be channeling Alice from her Resident Evil films. Just pointing that out ahead of time so no one will be surprised she's not killing flesh eating zombies with machine guns.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Now I'm all for second chances, so if they screw up the new Clash film, I will be VERY angry. Confirmed returning cast members include Sam Worthington as Perseus, Ralph Fiennes as Hades, Liam Neeson as Zeus, Danny Huston as Poseidon. Also confirmed newcomers for this outing are Bill Nighy as fallen god Hephaestus, Toby Kebbell as Poseidon’s demigod son Argenor, Edgar Ramírez as Ares, and Rosamund Pike who will replace Alexandra Davalos as Andromeda, which kind of blows because I always thought that Alex Davalos was kind of paying homage to her culture by playing a greek. Just pointing it out there. RUMORS have it that:
"A decade after his heroic defeat of the monstrous Kraken, Perseus—the demigod son of Zeus—is attempting to live a quieter life as a village fisherman and the sole parent to his 10-year old son, Helius. Meanwhile, a struggle for supremacy rages between the gods and the Titans. Dangerously weakened by humanity’s lack of devotion, the gods are losing control of the imprisoned Titans and their ferocious leader, Kronos, father of the long-ruling brothers Zeus, Hades and Poseidon. The triumvirate had overthrown their powerful father long ago, leaving him to rot in the gloomy abyss of Tartarus, a dungeon that lies deep within the cavernous underworld. Perseus cannot ignore his true calling when Hades, along with Zeus’ godly son, Ares (Edgar Ramírez), switch loyalty and make a deal with Kronos to capture Zeus. The Titans’ strength grows stronger as Zeus’ remaining godly powers are siphoned, and hell is unleashed on earth.Enlisting the help of the warrior Queen Andromeda (Rosamund Pike), Poseidon’s demigod son, Argenor (Toby Kebbell), and fallen god Hephaestus (Bill Nighy), Perseus bravely embarks on a treacherous quest into the underworld to rescue Zeus, overthrow the Titans and save mankind."
Shooting on the film hasn't started yet, but there's a big maybe on if it will be released this time next year. But it sounds fairly promising. Again, I thought they couldn't possibly screw the first Clash since they had a STELLAR cast, but they managed to. Here's me on my knees praying that the powers that be on this movie have more common sense than the last one.

Posters for the new Pixar film sequel Cars 2 from the US, Russia and Japan. STOKED!!!!! Disney can never really make sequels, unless they're from Pixar, the company that's basically bankrolling Disney films.

Benicio Del Toro is playinga deadly drug cartel enforcer in Oliver Stone's Savages. I LOVE OLIVER STONE. Brilliant BRILLIANT man. Just listen to this plot:
The story follows two best friend pot growers in Laguna who share a trippy girl named 'O'. The duo are so good at their job that an enforcer (that's Del Toro, people) demands they work for his boss, a Mexican drug cartel matriarch (I LOVE that Salma Hayek is being considered for this role. It's just BRILLIANT. FREAKING BRILLIANT, OLIVER STONE!!!).
When they refuse, 'O' is kidnapped and they're forced to come up with a fortune in ransom. They set out to hijack the cartel's drug supply, right under the nose of Del Toro's highly suspicious character. HOW INSANE DOES THIS SOUND!?!?
That's basically it for now, peoples. Deuces!!
New Captain America Trailer!!!
I'm a fan of Chris Evans. Even when he's scrawny, he's still sexy. The fact that he's so patriotic by saying, "Just give me a chance" when he was about to be rejected just....I LOVE patriotic men.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Elizabeth Taylor, It's Been an Honor to Watch You Onscreen.

What can I say in regards to this LEGENDARY screen icon and diehard AIDS crusader/activist. I can't really say much about the last great screen star, just about her insanely illustrious career, her enormous capacity to love, and her killer violet eyes. Hollywood's stars dimmed a little less today after such a tremendous loss. A cat's greatest victory staying on a hot tin roof is staying on it for as long as she can. And she stayed on. Thank you for giving me Maggie the Cat, Ms. Taylor. It was a privilege.

Monday, March 21, 2011
I've Learned a Lesson....Don't Post Everything You Read.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

So much for keeping it under wraps. Joseph Gordon Levitt will play Alberto Falcone, son of crime boss Carmine Falcone, played by Tom Wilkinson in the upcoming The Dark Knight Rises. It excites me to see talented actors like JGL be brought to the spotlight. He reminds me of Steve Buscemi, for some reason. Incredibly well-rounded, but always underrated.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
He's In!!!!!!! Plus a Whole Bunch of News

It's a lock! Joseph Gordon Levitt will be in the new Chris Nolan Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises. I am truly stoked, because no one will know what role he will play!! Nolan plans to keep this under wrap as long as possible, which will work for us, because as I'm sometimes willing to admit, surprises are good!
NO!!!! Darren Aronofsky, whose twisted and sick-awesome mind brought us the Academy lauded Black Swan, has pulled out of the film, The Wolverine due to scheduling conflicts. That makes me SO SAD!!!! Whomever they pick now to replace him will only be second best.
Meh....they're doing a sequel to Bad Santa, which really doesn't excite me because I always though Billy Bob Thornton was a little weird. The only film I do like him in is one of my favorite films, Love Actually, where he plays the President of the United States, and of course his character's a jerk. Befitting. He actually gets a verbal bum-kicking from one of the heroes of the film, Hugh Grant, in his successful attempt to regain the hearts of women all over the world with this film...as he did mine. But Thornton's stint as Angelina's husband didn't really help his cause on the weirdness chart.....it actually went through the roof, to be honest. But nothing comes as close to him penning a song for her that goes, "Oh Angelina, what's come between us?" It was this song.

You know, to be honest, I'm not that really excited for Thor. Sure, it's going to be a great summer blockbuster, but I'm really going to go see it for Natalie Portman. And Sir Anthony Hopkins. But that's really it. I'm not even that interested in seeing Chris Hemsworth.....I think something may be wrong with me.
If you're not a man excited for this movie just by seeing this movie poster, I think something may be psychologically wrong with you.
So previously I had stated that Diane Lane will be playing Henry Cavill's mother Martha Kent in the upcoming Zack Snyder-directed Superman. Well, I bring you Jonathan Kent, ladies and gentlemen: Kevin Costner. Me like.
So Matthew Fox is going to be in a film. WHO CARES WHICH ONE???????? DR. JACK SHEPARD IS BACK, LADIES!!!!!!! But seriously. He's going to be assassin Alex Cross in a film based on the James Patterson books. Again, WHO CARES WHICH ONE????? I WILL STAND IN LINE TO SEE DR. SHEPARD!!!!
Liam Neeson is just awesome. Taken's getting a sequel!!! Filming's probably going to begin later this year or very early next year. I wonder who's going to be taken next, since his daughter Maggie Grace can't be stupid enough to fall for the same line twice. But hey, I never really put anything past Maggie Grace. There's just something about her I really REALLY don't like. Maybe it's because she sold out Boone. Who knows.
American Pie's main cast are a lock for a reunion, aptly entitled American Reunion. How much more can they beat a dead horse with this stick??????
And last but not least (well, it's last for this post anyway) my sources tell me that they're rebooting Daredevil. Which is exciting for me because I love Ben Affleck. What gets my undies in a knot is that they're thinking of not even bringing him back. Can I just say that the person making that decision is directing one of the Twilight Saga films? David Slade, as soon as you took the position of directing one of the films, 30 Days of Night just went down a few numbers on the awesomeness chart. I mean, come on! You brought us the mind-messing thriller Hard Candy!!!!!!! Give us a break and do good with this film! Offer Affleck the role. If he says no, then by all means, do what you want with it!!
And that's that, folks!
Happy Birthday, Honey Rider!

I'd just like to make an honorable mention to Ms. Ursula Andress whose birthday is today. She gave us that iconic rise from the water wearing a white bikini in Dr. No, as Honey Ryder, in Sir Sean Connery's first Bond film. This one scene became so iconic, it was copied 40 years later by Jinx Johnson in Die Another Day, played by Halle Berry. You tell me which one was better.
I Have Not Laughed So Hard at a Movie Trailer in a Long Time!
Although, it could be that the creators of this trailer only picked the best scenes from the movie to create the trailer and the rest of the movie sucks. It has happened. I choose to be optimistic, however.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Ewan McGregor, Where Have You Been??
Beginners unites McGregor, Christopher Plummer (Who will ALWAYS be Cpt. Von Trapp to me), Goran Visnjic of ER fame, and Mélanie Laurent of the AWESOMEST Inglorious Basterds. I have to say. It promises, and it promises well.
Perfect Sense brings together the two Ewan's. Ewen Bremner and McGregor first partnered in the film Trainspotting, which was highly successful for McGregor, putting him in the light of Hollywood. It also introduced us to a Scottish fanbase which includes director Danny Boyle, Kelly McDonald, Kevin McKidd, Peter Mullen, and though he's British, Johnny Lee Miller. Now, Perfect Sense has Eva Green, a scientist, and McGregor as a chef. In this ficticious world, an epidemic starts affecting the people's sensory perceptions. And again, it promises.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
So Long, Alfred.....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Successful Remakes
However, there are the exceptions. The films that, when remade, happens to be better than the original. Those occurrences are VERY rare indeed, but they do happen once in a blue moon. I've comprised a list of those blue moon films.

9. Casino Royale (2006) I respect all the original films, except this one. I hated this original film, playing light on Sir Ian Fleming's creation of 007. I couldn't possibly believe what I was watching. And then, just then, Martin Campbell rescued this film and introduced to us an incredibly sexy blonde James Bond in Mr. Daniel Craig. His voice is dark velvet, his body is rock hard, and his drinks are always shaken, not stirred. He's a lady's man, a man's man, a man about town, and he just rescued this movie from the abyss of movie-dom and gifted us with the joy of Bond again after the way the studio fired poor Pierce Brosnan. Rawr, Mr. Craig. Rawr....

10. Scarface (1983). Brian DePalma, the FREAKY GENIUS that he is, graced us with this gem of a movie, this icon of an actor in Pacino, and this brilliant writer in Oliver Stone. We can NEVER have a combination of this trio of incandescent masterminds ever again. It's too much for the human brain to even comprehend the astounding idea of creating an Al Capone gangster movie into modern day Cuban gangster. There are no words for me to describe the role this movie plays in modern society. It's brilliant. There's really no way around it. No words to pretty it up. Brilliant pretty much sums it all.
Monday, March 14, 2011
4 of the Hottest Guys in One of the Most Beautiful Cities in the World.....Man, it's Good to be Brazilian.
I'm actually genuinely excited for this movie.....I know it's very overdone and all, but I think they spaced it out well enough from the last one to focus on this one. And tell me who doesn't like a car movie? Cause to be honest enough, I do. I love a good car movie. And this movie, with Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel, Paul Walker and Tyrese Gibson.....yum to the 4th degree.
Monday, March 7, 2011
When Did Neville Longbottom Become Cool????

Fairly excited for this, by the way. It's the last remnant of my childhood, a book I'm finally putting down and only picking up again when they decide to remake the whole series when I'm 70, and I'll be one of those in line around the block to watch these movies, because I really did enjoy the creativity of the artists, the actors, the directors, producers, so on and so forth. I'm excited for it now because we're letting go of the Harry Potter craze and moving on.
Freida Pinto Just Keeps Striking. At This Rate, She Really Will Eventually She Will Get The Oscar Gold.
I really think this movie's going to continue putting Freida Pinto on the map. She was phenomenal in Slumdog Millionaire, so I'm looking forward to watching her expanding her horizons. Plus, I'm also a good fan of Alexander Siddig. He's a well rounded actor and I admire him for that, but I can't help but see him always as Dr. Julian Bashir first from Deep Space Nine. It's the inner Trekkie in me.
One of My Personal Favorites......
Absolutely one of my favorite speeches ever delivered in the history of film, silent or talking. It's just one of my dear dear favorite movies EVER. I LOVE Spencer Tracy. I believe everything he says with all my heart.
Katharine Hepburn is just brilliant. Sheer brilliant. I know of no other actress like her. She's phenomenal. The final lines in this scene is just....I'm speechless. I have no words to describe faultless talent like her. And Spencer, of course.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
The Adjustment Bureau

My first real blog was about this movie, and I have to pat myself on the back for recommending a great movie. The chemistry between Emily Blunt and Matt Damon was so good. I really believed that first kiss of theirs was right, not awkward. Not to mention John Slattery, my favorite Wine-er, Anthony Mackie who is an absolutely underrated actor, and Terrence Stamp, who in my book is just too awesome to not mention. Absolutely good movie. It wasn't Oscar-worthy, but it was definitely a solid good comfortable movie that sometimes is needed. Filmmakers forget that sometimes you make movies not to win the respect of the members of the Academy, but to win the respect of the people. That's what this movie did.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
A Whole Bunch of News!

Starting off, I just would like to ask if that's really Hugo Weaving under the Red Skull makeup for Captain America, cause if it is, I'm beginning to think that Mr. Anderson's got a thing for masks....V for Vendetta, anyone? But still, it looks pretty interesting. And wicked awesome. Thank you, Entertainment Weekly!

Next!!! James Franco is set to play the Great and Powerful Oz in....well, Oz, The Great and Powerful. It predates the story of The Wizard of Oz with Judy Garland, and focuses on the story of the witches. I don't know if it'll be a Wicked-like production. I have a feeling it's going to be darker, which to me is better. Mila Kunis has already signed up to play Theodora, the wicked witch of the west.....sounds good to me!
SOOOOOOOO.......Anne Hathaway will be Catwoman in the movie The Dark Knight Rises. That we already know, but we don't know if she's going to go all Michelle Pfeifer on us and go crazy, or start out good or go bad. But from my sources, it seems that that's the way it goes--they partner up to take out uthe League of Shadows....Yes, yes. Liam Neeson did die in that *********....I may hate surprises, but that doesn't mean you don't. So if you haven't seen Batman Begins, then I won't tell youhow he dies. But going back, they partner up to defeat the League of Shadows, headed by Talia Al’Ghul. With Bane, who is her muscle/possible love interest. Let's not forget, Joseph Gordon-Levitt's in this movie. He already proved himself a worthy villain in last year's GI Joe. I don't know much about his character, but I do know that Levitt is "certainly an antagonist and involved with the League of Shadows." Direct quote.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
I Figured I Should Share.....
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
One of The Most Famous Conspiracies in the History of the US.
Robert Redford is not only a fantastic actor, appearing in movies such as Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Out of Africa, All the President's Men, The Great Gatsby, The Way we Were, and Jeremiah Johnson, he's been a fantastic director, bringing us Lions for Lambs, A River Runs Through It, The Horse Whisperer, and The Legend of Bagger Vance. Now, he brings us The Conspirator, the story of Mary Surratt, the mother of one of the conspirators in the famous murder trial of President Abraham Lincoln. She is being accused of aiding and abetting her son, and history shows that she was hanged for her involvement in the case. Redford brings this story to life, a story very few people are aware, and no one knows the truth. Was Mary Surratt innocent? Was she guilty? Only God knows. But a jury of 12 men believed she was guilty and and judged her what they thought was accordingly. Now you decide whether or not she was innocent.